Cell Culture Dishes

Cell Culture Dishes

Cell culturing refers to the growing and maintaining of microbial, plant and animal cells in a controlled laboratory atmosphere. Cells are usually cultured in glassware such as Petri plates and other vessels. Culture or Petri dishes are commonly found shallow cylindrical plates with lids which are constructed from glass or plastic.

Plastic disposable Cell culture dishes are commonly used for convenience. Alternatively, Glass culture dishes are also available which can be sterilized and re-used. Additionally, there are vented Petri dishes which contain a lip on the edge of the plate which allows the lid to sit at a raised position the plate. These plates allow gaseous exchange and are suitable for short-term work, compared to non-vented plates which create a completely anaerobic environment which is meant for long-term studies.

Different culturing procedures involve various culture apparatus for specific research purposes. These include Petri dishes of various sizes, plates with vents, multi-well plates etc. Biomall can help you in acquiring your desired product through easy online purchases.
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