Nucleic Acid Modification

Nucleic Acid Modification

Nucleic acid modification is the addition of secondary chemical residues such as methyl, hydroxymethyl, glucosyl groups etc., to the nuceic acids. This is done to modify the properties of the genes and thereby, the proteins which will be produced. One of the most common DNA modifying enzymes are restriciton endonucleases. These enzymes are popularly known as molecular scissors and they cut the nucleic acids at site specific locations. DNA ligase performs the oppsoit function of sealing pieces of nucleic acids. Polymerases create a whole new strand of nucleic acids. Apart from these, there are other nucleic acid modifiers such as methyl transferases, hydrolases, actetyl transferases etc. Biomall offers nucleic acid modification agents. Modifying agents which tag the nucleic acid with markers such as biotin are available along with others like methylation kits.

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