  • Brand: MP Biomedicals
  • Catalog No.: 0219402491
  • CAS No: 50-99-7
  • Quantity/Unit: 1 kg/Pack
  • Usually Shipped in: 1-2 Weeks

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Min Orderable Qty : 1 Pack

For lab/research use only, unless otherwise specified


D-Glucose by MP Biomedicals is a high grade reagent. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate which is classified as a hexose sugar. This reagent is available as a white powder which is soluble in water. It circulates in the blood of animals as blood sugar, is generated during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide by plants. It is stored as a polymer, in plants as starch and in animals as glycogen. It is vastly used as an energy source in most organisms, from bacteria to humans. CAS No. 50-99-7 Quantity Provided: 1 kg per pack Molecular Formula: C6H12O6 Molecular Weight: 180.16 Soluble in water D-Glucose is widely used in chemical and biological sectors. Levels of glucose in the blood help diagnose various medical conditions such as diabetes. To monitor the body's response to blood glucose-lowering therapy, glucose levels can be measured. D-Glucose is ideal as a culture media component as a source of energy. It can be used as a standard for the estimation of total sugar in hydrolysed starch by phenol-sulfuric acid method. The polymer-bound glucose template has been proven to be useful in the multi-step parallel synthesis of various compounds. These reagents are suitable for industrial and research applications.

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