Wright's Stain

Wright's Stain

  • Brand: Micromaster
  • Catalog No.: SI029-100ML
  • Quantity/Unit: 100ML/Bottle


Wrights Stain is supplied by Micromaster. It is available in the form of an ink blue coloured solution which is clear, without any particles. It is advisable to store this product below 30C in tightly closed container and away from bright light.

Quantity provided: 100ml/Bottle

Wright stain is a polychromatic staining solution which contains methylene blue and eosin. These basic and acidic dyes induce multiple colours when applied to cells. Methanol acts as fixative and also as solvent. The fixative does not allow any further change in the cells and makes them adhere to the glass slide. The basic component of white cells (i.e. cytoplasm) is stained by acidic dye and they are described as eosinophilic or acidophilic. The acidic components (e.g. nucleus with nucleic acid) take blue to purple shades of the basic dyes and they are called basophilic. The neutral components of the cell are stained by both the dyes. It is used primarily to stain peripheral blood smears, urine samples, and bone marrow aspirates which are examined under a light microscope. In cytogenetics, it is used to stain chromosomes to facilitate diagnosis of syndromes and diseases.

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