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OmniaTap Lab Water Purifier for Type I & II

OmniaTap Lab Water Purifier for Type I & II

  • Brand: TKA
  • Catalog No.: OmniaTap
  • Quantity/Unit: 1 Ea/Pack
  • Availability: Out Of stock

Stock Not Available

For lab/research use only, unless otherwise specified



The Allrounder.

For H2O pure types I + II.

OmniaTap is the ideal system when both pure water and ultrapure water are required, but in relatively small amounts. The ability to provide both types from a single system results from the combination of ultramodern purification technologies. These also make it possible to connect the system directly to tap water. A press on the dispenser button activates dispensing of ultrapure water type I via the digital dispenser control. The recirculation of the pure water held in the installed 10 litre tank keeps it permanently at type II quality. The pure water tank has a second outlet for feeding downstream end users.

  • A tap to ultrapure water system designed for highest water quality requirements for analytical use in small volumes per day.
  • This system is simple, all-in-one. It has Reverse Osmosis, Ultrapure, extra-large Dual wavelength UV with 185 & 254nm, Ultrafiltration and final 0.2m end filter on the flexible dispenser
  • Dual conductivity, temperature sensors for RO and Ultrapure Water monitoring
  • Volume dispensing for fairly accurate dispensing of required volume of water
  • Conductivity cells and temperature sensors are certified by using NIST standards and NABL traceable labs
  • OmniaTap system is CE certified and can work on variable mains voltage ranging from 100V to 240V AC.


  • OptiFill dispenser is standard
  • Pretreatment set for direct connection to tap water
  • Built in 10-litres pure water tank
  • Tank volume display in percent
  • Simple and economical filter replacement
  • Leakage sensor is standard
  • Ready-to-use, including filter cartridges
  • Unique Level sensor saves tank water from contamination

Product water specifications:

  • Conductivity: 0.055S/cm
  • TOC: 1 5 ppb
  • 0.2m particles: No particles > 0.2m
  • Bacteria: < 0>
  • RNASE: < 1pg>
  • DNASE: < 5pg>
  • PROTEASE: < 0>
  • Generation rate in tank: 6/12/20 ltr/hr
  • Type I Water dispense rate: upto 2ltr/min
  • Typical applications include: AAS, ICP, ICPMS, LCMSMS, HPLC, Mol Bio, Microbiology, IVF, PCR, etc