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RNA-XPress Reagent-MB601-100ML

RNA-XPress Reagent-MB601-100ML

₹ 8,950.00 *
  • Brand: HIMEDIA
  • Catalog No.: MB601-100ML
  • Quantity/Unit: 100ml/EA
  • Usually Shipped in: 2-3 Weeks

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Min Orderable Qty : 1 Pack

For lab/research use only, unless otherwise specified


RNA - XPressTM Reagent is supplied by HiMedia. It is designed for rapid purification of RNA from different samples. This product which is a mixture of guanidine thiocyanate and phenol in a mono-phase solution effectively dissolves RNA. After adding chloroform and centrifuging, the mixture separates into 3 phases: an aqueous phase containing the RNA, the interphase containing DNA and an organic phase containing protein. 1 ml of RNAXPress Reagent is sufficient to isolate RNA from 50-100 mg of tissue, 5-10 X 106 cells or 10 cm2 of culture dish surface, for cells grown in monolayer. This advanced RNA isolation procedure is an improvement to the single-step RNA isolation using phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate developed by Chomczynski and Sacchi. This is one of the most effective methods for isolating total RNA and can be completed in only 1 hour starting with fresh tissue and cells. It is advisable to store this product at room temperature (15-25C).

RNA-XPress is a quick and convenient reagent to use in the isolation of RNA from human, animal, plant, yeast, bacterial and viral samples. The protocol is rapid and permits isolation of RNA from large number of samples of small or large volumes. The RNA obtained can be further used for downstream applications such as Northern blot, mRNA isolation, in vitro translation, RNase and S1nuclease protection assay, RT-PCR and cloning. The procedure is very effective for isolating RNA molecules of all types from 0.1 to 15 kb in length.

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