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RV gE1 157-176/374-390/213-239 peptide, 100ug

RV gE1 157-176/374-390/213-239 peptide, 100ug

₹ 70,448.00 *
  • Brand: Biorbyt
  • Catalog No.: orb73531-100ug
  • Quantity/Unit: 100ug/Pack
  • Availability: In stock

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Min Orderable Qty : 1 Pack

For lab/research use only, unless otherwise specified


RV gE1 Mosaic (residues 157-176, 374-390, 213-239) protein.The protein contains glycoprotein E1 immunodominantfragments, amino acids: 157-176, 213-239, and374-390.The protein is purified by proprietary chromatographictechnique.Rubella virus is an enveloped positivestrand RNA virus ofthe family TOGAVIRIDAE. The genome encodes two openreading frames (ORFs): the 5-proximal ORF encodes viralnonstructural proteins (NSP) that are responsible for viralgenome replication, while the 3-proximal ORF encodesthree virion structural proteins (SP), the capsid protein(CP), and the two envelope glycoproteins, E2 and E1.During virus assembly, the capsid interacts with genomicRNA to form nucleocapsids. The rubella virus (RV)structural proteins: capsid, E2, and E1 are synthesized asa polyprotein precursor. The signal peptide that initiatestranslocation of E2 into the lumen of the endoplasmicreticulum remains attached to the carboxy terminus of thecapsid protein after cleavage by signal peptidase.;

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