Prepared Slides

Prepared Slides

Microscopy is a powerful tool used for understanding physiological aspects. It is widely used in research and diagnostics. In teaching laboratories, pre-prepared slides are commonly used to effectively impart practical understanding among students. 

Prepared slides are microscopic slides that are prepared by experts in such a way that they can be stored for extended periods of time without damage to the sample. These slides are ideal microscopic preparations which can be used to demonstrate various cellular structures and physiological aspects. Prepared slides are commonly used to demonstrate cellular functions such as mitosis in onion root tips, cellular structures such as muscle cells, plant cell walls, nucleus, physiological aspects such as pollen grain structures, etc. Such slides usually contain the specimen mounted onto the slide and a preservative agent. The whole preparation is covered using a coverslip which is sealed to prevent movement.

Biomall gives an opportunity for users to purchase prepared slides from different companies. The portal offers microscopic slide preparations for mitosis, flower physiology, etc.

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